Men’s Sexy Airline Pilot Costume


Men’s Sexy Airline Pilot Costume


The Men’s Sexy Airline Pilot Costume will have you looking first class!

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No More SleevesSleeves. They get in the way of having a good time. They’re also the bane of manliness. Long ago, someone who hated fun must have decided that healthy man arms needed to be sheathed in them, but that’s all just a bunch of nonsense. That evil person wanted to hide your greatest feature from the world. It’s just something that we don’t agree with. If it were up to us, we’d get rid of all sleeves and let the biceps of the world be free from their forced fabric shackles. It’s time to begin the revolution and it all starts with you.You must shed your sleeves. Say goodbye to hiding your man-muscles from the public. Give the world a collective ticket to the gun show. Start by becoming a studly sleeveless airline pilot. It doesn’t matter if you know how to fly a plane, because your naked arms will be looking so magnificent, it won’t even matter if you have a pilot’s license or not. All you need is this costume and your trusty biceps.Product DetailsThis sexy Airline Pilot costume lets you introduce the world to your bare arms (not to be confused with bear arms). The costume comes with a completely sleeveless top, so your biceps can feel the breeze. The front of the top is designed to look like a pilot’s shirt and jacket, complete with gold decorative buttons. A pair of black pants and white cuffs help finish the look.Pilot’s BicepsNow, despite how confident you might be feeling when you wear this sleeveless costume, we have to remind you that it’s never a good idea to fly a plane without a proper license. Make sure you have the required skills to jump into a cockpit! You are, however, allowed to pilot those biceps through the air like a champ!


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